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Not so long ago, I decided to spend a summer working as an extra on a TV show. Friends had told me it would be fun; that the money was good; that I'd meet all sorts of interesting people and come away with a unique and memorable experience.


I lasted two weeks.


For one thing, the corset I had to wear as Random Lady of the Court was real; the costume department had done a bang-up job in terms of authenticity. It took ages to tie up, so it couldn't be loosened between takes. I spent long days in a semi-oxygenated haze, wondering if it was normal for one to have pins and needles in her chest.


For another, I had made a friend on the 5.30 am minibus to the studio each morning, and the project the two of us had begun scheming was far more interesting to me than a certain unnamed heartthrob actor throwing tantrums on set when young extras turned him down for dates. *ahem*



The music review 'zine my new partner was working on needed editing, and I offered to give it a look.


 I fell in love.


Not with the friend, mind, but with the work: it was challenging, creative, and satisfying. We worked together on Play The Song I Like for two years. I went from just copy editing to also writing, transcribing, and even creating cover art. It was truly a labor of love.



All good things must come to an end, and my partner in editorial crime emigrated, calling it a day on PTSIL and promising to write when he could.


I, on the other hand, continued to write constantly.


I've offered my skills as editor and writer to many different clients, and spent the past 8 years building a professional portfolio of work that I'm crazy proud of and excited to share with you.


These days, you can find me blogging regularly on Threadless, creating all kinds of content for indie music champions youbloom, and waxing surf-lyrical over on SurferToday.



Thanks for stopping by.




















Shannon Duvall | Digital Writer & Editor
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